Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 31: 7/18/12

I am trying to remember everything that happened, but one event overshadows all the others so I'll try my best.  It was a century ride to Madison.  We had breakfast on the truck so we were able to leave early.  The day started off cloudy which was great, but of course it warmed up.  It was still hilly too.  All that really mattered though was when I finally made it to the university.  I was sitting outside drinking cold water and talking, when Rick told me and Reesh that we needed to check in so the front desk person could take a break.  I went in quick without even giving it a thought.  While standing at the desk, i heard a familiar voice say my name from my left.  When I turned I saw my Aunt Bianca standing there.  I instantly and very literally froze.  I could feel the flood of tears that were about to pour from my face as soon as the remaining fluids in my body made it to my eyes.  She came to hug me, and I still could not I was so gross from the ride I didn't want to get her dirty.  I was so happy to see her and meet her boyfriend Peter.  I showered and then Bianca, Peter, my mom, and I joined the big riders for dinner.  After dinner, it started pouring rain like it always does when Bianca and i are together.  When the rain lightened up, we went out for a drink.  It seemed like a better idea to pick up some drinks and bring them to the hot tub in the hotel so that is what we did.  It was another great day on the big ride, and seeing my Aunt the day before she flies back to Germany was a wish come true!!!

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