Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 30: 7/17 12

Today we slept in a little.  My alarm was set for 5:45 because truck loading was at 6:30.  We had to wait until 7 when the cafeteria opened for us to have breakfast, along with a million hungry football camp kids.  I'm thankful they let us cut in.  Twenty miles in we had our first stop hosted by the Meyers (cousins for a cause).  It was really amazing!!!  In 1998, they brought lemonade to the first group of big riders as they passed through Dakota Minnesota.  They continued the tradition every year, and it has grown into something truly special.  I'm not even sure I could describe it in words, but I will remember it forever.  I hope this tradition continues well passed the time that Mylah can give the interviews :-)  After lunch, we found an amazing lake to swim in.  There was even a rope that Cam, Ben, Liz, and Jeffery all jumped from.  I was too scared i would hurt myself and not be able to ride.  We still had 10 miles to go that I thought was supposed to be mostly downhill.  Someone lied to me.  It was rough!  That night I had my sangria spilled on me by the waitress so the owner took care of the bill.  After dinner I treated myself to an amazing two scoop Ice cream come.  When I got back to camp I was informed that we could sleep in an air conditioned church, but my tent was already set up and the church was down the road.  I decided to stay in my tent.  Never again!  Any time air conditioning is offered, I'm all over it!  I went to bed early because we voted to get up early.  Tomorrow is 100 miles into Madison for our rest day.

1 comment:

  1. Happy that you enjoyed our stop! I will be reading and cheering you all on to D.C.
