First and foremost, today is my nephew Davids birthday so I need to wish him a happy birthday!!! It was a very early start today. Joy met us at my moms house and we headed to camp. We intended to stop at Dunkin donuts but they did not open until 5, even though they said 4 when i called the night before. We tried McDonalds, then ended up back at Dunkin. I was so worried about being late. We were able to get some bagels and coffee to the group before they took off. Dave, my mom, Joy, and I took off for our 88 mile ride to Valparaiso. My mom and Joy also noticed that I had gotten stronger. We had a good ride and got in around 2. The taco dip at lunch was exactly what I wanted. Indiana has some rough roads and we did not get a state sign. Joys son was in the hospital for a sting, so they needed to borrow a car from her sister. Get well soon Charlie. After they left, I Waited for dinner and then waited for bed. I think I just needed to relax. I loved seeing my family, but it will be nice to just focus on the ride again. Only 2 more weeks :(
Sharon your becoming an amazing rider. Your right I was feeling it around mile 70. The pace you keep is 100% better from when you started the ride. I can honestly say you kicked my ass this weekend hands down. Good job and keep it up your only getting stronger. Iam really proud of you!!!!